Domande di Internet

Why does Internet hides the amount of likes on posts or comments for the first two hours?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Why does MassimoL hides the amount of likes on posts or comments for the first two hours?

Edit: thanks to all the people who answered, but there’s no need to answer it again. Sorry.

Ed ecco le risposte:

People have a tendency to upvote what is already upvoted and downvote what is already downvoted. By hiding the votes for a while at first it makes people come to their own conclusion rather than follow the herd.

MassimoL as a whole doesn’t. It’s up to the mods of each sub whether to enable it and for how long.

As already mentioned, the purpose is to encourage honest voting and discourage dogpiling.

To avoid brigading (where people will upvote/downvote a post/comment purely based on its existing upvotes/downvotes)

…. I had no idea this was a thing. I just thought some subs didn’t allow you to see the vote counts on certain posts and never thought to investigate further.

Because people are stupid and can’t ever form their own opinions on things so they’ll upvote whatever is already upvoted and downvote whatever is already downvoted regardless of how they feel about it. It really pisses me off sometimes. Hiding this helps prevent that herd mentality.