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Why we always talk about kids being a disappointment to their parents and never talk about parents being the real disappointment? It happens way to much to be ignored like this so why?

Some parents think that they are always right even when their kid is too. It can be a let down for the kid in the future.

because they’re apparently A D U L T S

Oh, don’t worry, it usually happens more as you get older.

I have just given up and accepted that i can do nothing but just be a good parent myself.

When you have kids you spend an inordinate amount of time fantasizing about who that kid will be some day and what he’ll accomplish, often magically avoiding all the mistakes and hardships you experienced. It’s no surprise that the parent is a disappointment, that is the point- the parent knows he’s a screw up and hopes the kid does better- but he doesn’t and that’s why the parent is disappointed.

The Beastie Boys song with the line “that hypocrite smokes 2 packs a day”, took on a different meaning for me when I got older. I saw it from the dad’s point of view. Of course he didn’t want his son to take up smoking.
