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Why we always talk about kids being a disappointment to their parents and never talk about parents being the real disappointment? It happens way to much to be ignored like this so why?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Why we always talk about kids being a disappointment to their parents and never talk about parents being the real disappointment? It happens way to much to be ignored like this so why?
Why we always talk about kids being a disappointment to their parents and never talk about parents being the real disappointment? It happens way to much to be ignored like this so why?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Parents can have more kids if theirs are a disappointment. Kids can’t get more parents, so the thought is less likely to even come up.

Well parents sometimes think they’re better than the kid no matter what. They think since they went through being kids when they’re younger, they understand and know what’s better. But unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, times change, people change, so they can’t always use their knowledge and hence be a disappointment to their kids growth.

People do talk about it. Just usually with their therapist.

Many parents are immature people using the title of being an “adult” to justify every action they take.

My parent can insult me without consequences (and they do).

The last time I insulted my father, he threw me out of the house for a week.