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Women who quit wearing makeup, why?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Women who quit wearing makeup, why?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

There’s nothing wrong with my face?

Couldn’t be bothered any more.

Because it feels gross. I don’t care what makeup it is, if it sits on my skin (ESPECIALLY foundation) it feels gross. I’ve tried to desensitize myself to it because it seems fun to do but I can’t stand it

Confident in my own skin and care less about what others think. It also helps that I live my colleagues but have zero attraction to any of them in any way. I like my 15 min extra sleep in morning.

I realised that I didn’t want to leave the house without my make-up on and started to wonder why.

After a quite intense delve into the beauty industry, I realised how much profit they make from making women feel crap about their appearance. I saw all of the plastic surgery ads in magazines and how they thrived on making women feel insecure. Billions.

I stopped wearing it and felt uncomfortable for a week or so, then I got used to it. It hid a lot of insecurities I had about my appearance.

Now, I’ll wear it occasionally, when I want to. I don’t wear much – powder, mascara, and sometimes some lipstick. Very rarely in summer though, it slides off.

I’m glad to be at a point in my life when I know that there’s nothing wrong with my face and skin.

Never liked the way it feels on my skin. Didn’t like not being able to rub my eyes or touch my face. Didn’t like worrying about my makeup staying in place or smudging. Didn’t feel like I looked like myself with makeup on.

Always felt that other women too were at their most beautiful when they are all natural.

I got used to being treated better when I wore makeup.
It made me uncomfortable to not wear makeup.
So I tested and told myself : get used to the baseline.

I liked it so much I never went back. Now I enjoy more anonymity and I can “surprise” folks.

Covid pretty much helped for me. Wearing a mask most of the time made me care less about wearing makeup

Didn’t want to perpetuate an industry that lives off telling women that their natural beauty isn’t good enough, or that beauty is all a woman is worth.


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