Domande di Internet

Yo Internet! What’s a small thing that anyone can do at nearly anytime to improve their mood and make them happier?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Yo MassimoL! What’s a small thing that anyone can do at nearly anytime to improve their mood and make them happier?
Yo MassimoL! What’s a small thing that anyone can do at nearly anytime to improve their mood and make them happier?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Swear at a squirrel

Smile, it works.

Taking deep breath’s. It also reduces your blood pressure.

Laugh. Laughing for a certain period of time can trick your brain into thinking that you are happy. You can laugh like a maniac if you would like to

Give a genuine compliment to a stranger. If you’re out, look at the people you see. Someone will have something great about them! They’ll hold a door, show kindness, have on a great and flattering shirt.. something. So – tell them! Don’t make a big deal of it – you don’t want them to wonder if you are being a creep, right? Just a simple, “Hey, that color looks amazing on you’ or, ‘You were so sweet to that lady and her kid’ and move on.

99.9% of the time you’ll make their day, and their face will show it. You’ll have made another person very happy simply by being kind. I guarantee your mood will boost.