Mini Guide

Consiglio: If your pet has gone blind or deaf, you can still interact with them by using light, sound vibrations, and many other methods. Doing so will reassure them and give them increased confidence.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile:

My 15 year old Chihuahua has gradually lost sight and hearing. However, she still sees differing shades of light, which she uses to guide herself around the house. She knows where the bedroom and bathroom are based on the light and shadows she sees. She has memorized the house using this method.

She appreciates being cuddled and talked to. I speak to her with my chest or chin against her and she can feel the vibrations. She loves this and I am certain it makes her more comfortable and happy.

There are plenty of ways to communicate with a deaf or blind pet, and some are addressed at this site. Not affiliated with them in any manner, just thought it might be a useful place to start for anyone interested.

LPT: If your pet has gone blind or deaf, you can still interact with them by using light, sound vibrations, and many other methods. Doing so will reassure them and give them increased confidence.