
What do psychiatrists aim for, when treating a patient?

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As in, is there an equivalent of homeostasis for the mind?

Ed ecco le risposte degli esperti:

It sounds like you’re asking if the goal is to “get you back to normal”. For a variety of reasons, the answer is technically no. The focus is on reducing discomfort and dysfunction (and in some cases reducing psychological disorder) and increasing function. There’s really no “normal” to shoot for. The working definition of psychopathology is that it impacts your life negatively and decreases your ability to function effectively, so the goal is to reverse that to whatever degree possible. Abnormality alone is not a psychopathology until or if it impacts your life negatively. You’re free to be a wierdo in life until your behavior puts you in a position where you can potentially hurt yourself or others – and even then it depends on the extent. This leads into a whole other conversation on normality and abnormality in general which isn’t really germane to the point.

In the case of disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder medication is used to control the symptoms and increase ability to function. Behavior therapy is or can also be used, but medication is usually needed to control the worst symptoms.

With disorders of emotional regulation, PTSD, anxiety, or phobias, medications may or may not be used depending on the specific disorder. The main treatment would be psychotherapy to help the person learn to moderate the symptoms, in some cases to return to full functionality.