Domande di Internet

Ex-convicts of Internet, what is the worst thing that happened in prison?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Ex-convicts of MassimoL, what is the worst thing that happened in prison?
Ex-convicts of MassimoL, what is the worst thing that happened in prison?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The dementors…

My roommate was hung

I didn’t go to prison but I’ve heard an inmate here in an Irish prison had boiling sugar water poured down his throat for killing a 16yr old girl.

They only let us read askreddit tthreads where all the answers are made up or links to news sites and not from people who were actually there.

“doctors of MassimoL…”

“I’m not a doctor but…”

I was just about the smallest guy there. I didn’t go in with any stupid ideas about picking a fight with the biggest guy or anything, just decided I’d keep to myself as much as possible, only try to socialize if it seemed safe. I didn’t want any drama. But that turned out to be a pretty crappy idea too. Few of the guys in there were always trying to pick fights, especially if they found a 2+ – on – 1 situation to be a bully. Couple months in, two of them followed me after I bought some stuff at the commisary, got me into a corner and started threatening me if I didn’t hand my stuff over. The one guy said “op, if you don’t put a serious tag on a post like this you’re asking for a world of dumb comments.” So I gave him my ramen.