Domande di Internet

People of Internet, what is the dumbest thing someone has said defending their political ideology?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL, what is the dumbest thing someone has said defending their political ideology?
People of MassimoL, what is the dumbest thing someone has said defending their political ideology?

Ed ecco le risposte:

“there are way more corrupt people on the other side, so its fine that ( you fill in the blank) does it too”. doesn’t really matter which side they are on, someone is gonna chime in with that one. apparently they dont know how corruption works, it doesn’t pick sides.

My family has always been (insert political affiliation here).

I hate that. It’s too important a subject to simply dismiss responsibility.

“He might be a rapist but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person!”

I mean.. Yeesh… How do you respond to that?

Started ignoring my arguments and just called me a Communist over and over for not agreeing with him. Big oof

“If climate change was real, we’d KNOW by now”