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I [22 M] had sex with my best friend [22 F] and now I’m confused

Oh man. The end of the lockdown. I’m curious as to where your from, because lockdowns shouldn’t be ending. Anyways, this is very interesting. You say you were both friends holding each other in the friend zone. This is either true and you and her both think you made a mistake, or you’re both of you didn’t put each other in the friend zone. Based off of her unresponsiveness I’m guessing she thinks this was a mistake. Either way hopefully the two of you can communicate and establish the kind of relationship you both want to have moving forward.

Please text or CALL and tell her you are checking in. You really enjoyed your time, you don’t want to appear needy, you don’t want to not talk to her. Ask her how she’s doing.

Do you know what you want? Would you want more, would she.

Tell her your friendship is important to you. Ask what’s on her mind.

Text her, definitely communicate.

It’s like you said, you mutually friend-zoned each other, and got to a point where you would consider yourself as close as siblings. She probably feels the same way as you do after being intimate – the “oh no, what if I messed up this good friendship?”

If you’re not comfortable with that, take 2-3 days to cool down and invite her back to your place. When she’s over, bring up your feelings, and mention how much you value your relationship with her.