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I (F25) told my bf (M27) he has a small d.

Expensive_Mood2778 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa:

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years.
Recently, he told me I “scammed” him because I looked better in college. To provide some background, I used to be quite slim, weighing 47kg at 5'0″ tall. I was actively involved in sports, regularly cycling long distances, and maintaining a fit physique with a C-cup bust. However, after earning my degree in architecture, my hormones went haywire, and within four months, I gained 7kg because of PCOS. Even three years later, I haven't been able to shed the extra weight despite dieting. I'm also the type who typically wears just lip tint and mascara.

Back to the issue, he has repeatedly made comments about how I used to look better or that I would look better if I were taller or slimmer. He's even mentioned that I have a large head. Whenever I've tried to express how this makes me feel, he dismisses it by saying, “I'm just joking,” and tries to comfort me with hugs and kisses.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for how to feel. I've accepted that I have broad shoulders, look somewhat masculine, and have a bust size that doesn't quite match my height and body. I have slim legs but a proportionate rear end. I used to be fine with all of this until he kept bringing it up, and now I feel insecure. I question why he's with me if he finds me unattractive. Am I not pretty enough? Not womanly enough? Why can't he accept me as I am now and stop dwelling on the past? I've never made him feel insecure about his weight, even though he's become quite overweight for his height.

In a moment of frustration, I retaliated and said calmly,
“You got small dick and youre gaining too much weight to the point where your d*ck aint visible anymore plus you aint that handsome anyway so work on it”

Now, I'm feeling a mix of regret and relief. I'm not in the right state of mind because I'm still angry about the situation. Can anyone offer advice on what I should do?

Edit: He came back and asked if Im cheating on him and on why I said those if I didn’t cheat on him? Like idk of he’s trying to manipulate me or he just lacks self-awareness?

Edit 2: I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I initiated the conversation and confronted him about everything when everything was calm. I explained how it’s all connected and how it made me feel insecure (well, not extremely insecure, but rather sad to have your own partner attack you). Many of your comments made me realize that I also have a fault, which is that I didn’t set any boundaries. I kept tolerating and providing reasons for what he did. There were also many great comments validating my body type. Reading all these comments made me realize that I should stand up and set my boundaries.

First, I told him honestly how I feel bad for myself for stooping to his level and that he won because he manipulated me successfully. I told him I couldn’t imagine having a relationship like this when I get older, and that our relationship has been emotionally draining for me, so I finally ended our relationship. It’s probably time since he can’t see my worth no matter what. Honestly, I feel numb and don’t know if I’ll regret this or not, but I know I am not happy anymore. It’s just sad how much love, commitment, and patience I can give, yet it can’t be reciprocated. I grew up deprived of affection, so probably one of the reasons why I accept the bare minimum, but this is a lesson learned for me. Of course, it’s going to be hard, and I do hope I can find the courage to move on and also learn how to say no.

Probably not the best thing to say if you want to try and keep the relationship alive, but I can understand why you did it and it’s probably for the best you get out of this toxic relationship

>Can anyone offer advice on what I should do?

Dump him.

Seriously. You will feel so much better without this millstone dragging you down.

Combined with your previous post, I commend you for standing up for your self.
These hurtful actions of his, are you honestly willing to look past it?
Does he have positive qualities that are enough to offset this? They would have to be bloody good

He will never recover from this.

But he had it coming.

Clearly he’s criticizing, judging you and lowering your self-esteem. I know that if my partner gained weight, I wouldn’t say/do something like that and I see neither would you. If you’ve addressed this issue to him and he’s still doing it, I would consider breaking up. How are you going to live when you’re constantly being asked to somehow become taller and slimmer? Nobody can change their height and that is one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve heard. You have every right to be mad and honestly, he had it coming.

You need to have your bar higher than “he has been insulting my apoearance for two years but he’s maybe just joking”.

I’m saying this with all the love: drop him.

Everyone can understand that insulting you, mocking your body, your shape, your head, whatever, it’s all bad. You shouldn’t have to tell him that insults are hurtful. It’s not difficult to understand, no one is this stupid, and it’s not a joke. It’s just insults.

And now you retaliated and you feel bad about it and about yourself and he only upgraded to calling you a cheater. This man doesn’t love you, he just wants you small and insecure. Drop the bastard.

Girl, if he’s acting this way over 7kg imagine if you ever get pregnant or have another health concern. He sounds like a complete jerk