Domande di Internet

What things are seen as weird by the younger generation that we need to normalize again?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What things are seen as weird by the younger generation that we need to normalize again?
What things are seen as weird by the younger generation that we need to normalize again?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Internet privacy

Not being accessible all the time. Just because I have a cellphone doesnt mean I want to answer it at the supermarket, or while cooking dinner. Or while driving. Thats cool that my boss checks emails in his tesla driving 20 mins to work but I would rather not. I need a break

Not bringing your phone into the sauna/steam room.

Being quiet at the movies.

Not having everything you do in public recorded.

Two random people arguing? Gotta record it.

Bad car wreck? Don’t help. record.

Natural disaster? Don’t run, stay and document it until someone has to rescue you, then get the rescue for maximum likes.

Holding your phone to your ear when talking.

Having the decency and manners to verbally cancel plans or say you’ll be late in a timely fashion that’s respectful of the other person’s time and effort, instead of framing ghosting people as some kind cute personality quirk.

Be 100m away from the nearest adult.

Not having social media. Apparently now not being on whatever sites is a red flag.

Can we re-normalize using headphones while listening to music or watching videos in public? Please? I should be able to study on campus without having to listen to someone else’s shit. I can’t even go to the campus library without someone blasting their shit.

Just working out in a gym without the need to record yourself

Going to the library

Texting back too quickly is apparently a thing to younger folk? Whereas I see it as the ultimate sign of respect and interest when you’re having an engaging conversation. There’s so much second guessing about presentation and interest levels that many forget that it’s cool, fine, and normal to just be honest with feelings and pursue them as long as they’re reciprocal.

Being able to fix things yourself-sew hems and small holes, fix a toilet or garbage disposal, etc

Yelling at clouds.

Gossiping with your Grandma, memories🥹

Men being in any way close or affectionate to kids who aren’t their own. We’re not all pedophiles you know. I’m in my thirties. Spent a decade as a male kindergarten teacher, I have kids and I know how kids act. So don’t get freaked out. I do not want to fuck them.

I even get weird looks from young people at social events when my god-daughter wants a hug or a kiss on the cheek or for me to play with her toys. I’ve known her dad since I was three years old and her since she was born – we’re basically family. Grow up you little weirdos.

Last year one of such morons actually alerted the mother after noticing how ‘problematic’ it was. Her reaction was brilliant. And my mate’s? Ooooh boy, we’ll be telling that bit to our grandkids. Priceless.

Go to the park and join a bunch of strangers in playing a game whether it be touch football, throwing the Frisbee, even a game of TAG.

This is for the really young generation – elementary school kids playing outside with each other with no adult in sight.

Edit: I realize this is more of a statement about society and (over) protective adults, but kids playing by themselves outside used to be normal. Now it’s a reason to call the cops.

I feel like u can’t just talk to random people anymore. No one seems approachable. My mum talks to anyone wether she knows them or not. I notice alotnof the older generations are much more open to random chit chat