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My (28F) SO (32M) made a troubling remark…

He got mad because he knows he was wrong and is lashing out

Yeah that’s a gross and sexist remark. Would probably be forgiveable though if he hadn’t SUPER overreacted afterwards. Does he blow up at you a lot? You mention anxious attachment, are you in a push-and-pull sort of relationship (because those are a common pitfall & very bad for you)?

this is incredibly inappropriate. it sounds like he’s specializing young teenagers. it would have been one thing if it were a thoughtless remark that he apologized for after recognizing how inappropriate it was, but his defensiveness is even more of a red flag.

my boyfriend and i both work with teens, we’re younger than you, and we never EVER make comments like that about our students even in the privacy of our home. 16 years old is still a child, in the grand scheme of things. in my opinion, he should not be working around teens if he’s going to sexualize them.

Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with what he said. It wasn’t sexual in any way. I’ve literally said this about my friends super cute son.

Yikes that is so…..disgusting.