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My (28F) SO (32M) made a troubling remark…

Tbh I’d guess that this is just mismatched expectations and poor communication. Personally I wouldn’t make any anything of that comment. Yeah he made a judgemnt on appearance, which is something everyone does that all the time. I don’t see how this judgement would impact their grades, respect they’re given, or advancement opportunities the way institutionalized sexism does, and he’s not objectifying them or saything anything about wanting to get in their pants or something similarily creepy. It’s just… normal imo.

As for the blowing up – hard to tell. Depending on how the conversation played out that could be a totally natural (if immature) reaction, which you two could talk about when you’re both calm. Ask him how he felt when you brought up what he said (my guess, he felt angry at what he considers an unfair accusation, attacking his character and violating his need to hold conversations without walking on eggshells). Then repeat that back to him to show that you get what he’s feeling and needing. Then tell him how you felt when you heard the comments about the girls. I’ve been trying to come up with what that feeling is and why, and I’m afraid I’m stuck. Have you had bad experiences with people judging women based on appearance? Do you need to feel confident that your partner respects women, and did this comment hurt that confidence?

> Was I right in thinking this behavior was weird?

No. What he said is a common, socially acceptable and very tasteful way of saying a young person is pretty. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him saying that, and it’s really weird that you apparently sexualized them over it.

Joe Biden says that to every young girl he meets. It’s on film.

It sounds like he was referring to the effect they would have on the male students, rather than what he felt about them, yes?

Your SO made sexist, inappropriate remarks about underage prospective students. When you expressed your concerns, he flew into a rage.
Not only should he no longer be your SO. He should no longer be employed at that school or any school.