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My (F23) bf(M27) of two months wants to have an open relationship.

Two months in, I’d consider this not worth pursuing.

Yeah if you’re the type who is looking for that kind of relationship you KNOW it’s something you disclose up front. That’s widely accepted/expected dating etiquette. He would know better, especially at his age.

To me this doesn’t sound like earnest ethical non-monogamy so much as him wanting to play the field a little longer. The ex-girlfriend excuse is in and of itself some bad communication and problem solving (red flag). But that’s another can of worms.

If you’re in no way interested in sexual non-monogamy and you don’t absolutely think he’s worth a tremendous amount of soul searching/emotional development on your part, then the relationship is most likely a fool’s errand at this point.

Him not being emotionally ready to be exclusive is not your responsibility.

I can’t understand how avoiding exclusivity would help him feel more secure from being cheated on… I would think that would make things worse.

Besides, relationships are best when you both share core values. You value honestly and exclusivity up front, he doesn’t. You’ve only been dating for 2 months. This is still a safe time to let him go if he can’t see eye-to-eye with you.

But if he says he wants to be exclusive, I’d take his word for it. If he backs down again, however, I’d consider that a huge red flag.

You shoudl have stopped writing after the first paragraph, you answered your own question. He wants X and you want Y and both of those things are ok, but just not together obviously.

LOL we’re in a lockdown situation. I would dump him for the sole fact that he is the type to be mingling with other people during a time like this and could potentially get you sick