Relazioni e amore

My (F23) bf(M27) of two months wants to have an open relationship.

My ex recently broke up with me after almost 6 months, and he didn’t want to put a label on things because he wasn’t sure if he was serious about us or not. I told him I wasn’t happy and he promised me things would change by a certain date. That date came and that’s when he broke up with me because he realized he didn’t want me.

Trust your gut, and walk away.

Move on. He isn’t done dealing with stuff from his ex, and you shouldn’t have to bear that burden. Cutting him off will be the best thing for you.

Sounds like he likes you but for sure hasn’t healed from his last relationship. “She cheated so open relationship is EaSiEr” doesn’t sounds like someone who’s ready to move forward with an open mind or the ability to trust that a new person will be different & respect his boundaries. Unless he’s committed to actually doing some introspective work to heal, I’d bail. He might commit to you and stay faithful but that hurt & lack of trust is likely going to present in other ways (suspicion, clingyness, or attempts to control as examples)

So move on. He’s not an asshole for not wanting the same things you want. He’s not ready to be exclusive yet, and at two months, I don’t blame him. You don’t know each other that well.

He wants to have his cake and eat it, too. How long are you willing to wait for him to change his mind? Will you think “just a bit longer”? Just get rid of him and find someone on your wavelength.