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2020 is almost coming to end, what are your predictions for 2021?

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2020 is almost coming to end, what are your predictions for 2021?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The dyslexic Mayan who wrote 2012 meant 2021
Edit: typo

At least one vaccine comes on the market, and very likely multiple ones. Then there’s a huge, months-long clusterfuck about distributing them worldwide, convincing people to take them, dealing with inevitable fuck-ups along the way (like batches of the vaccine not being kept at the right temperature and having to be thrown out) and various events that I can’t predict yet for sure that will sow public distrust in the vaccine. I think eventually a majority of people will be vaccinated, but I would be shocked if it was more than 70% in America, and probably is going to be closer to 50 – 60%. Then eventually a combination of vaccination, herd immunity, and improved treatment for the disease will get us to the point where the risk associated with catching it is probably not much more serious than the flu. But that’s probably going to be well beyond 2021; it might be more like mid to late 2022 before we reach that point.

> 2020 is almost coming to end

We still have 2 and a half months of 2020. Since the first 9 months packed in about a decade worth of stress and mayhem, and I don’t see the rest of it being any better, 2021 is still a very long way away.

Plot twist: 2021 is a good year

The whole planet just fucking explodes