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Apparently everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, what was your 15 minutes of fame?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Apparently everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, what was your 15 minutes of fame?
Apparently everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, what was your 15 minutes of fame?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I ate an After Eight chocolate mint before 8 p.m. and got away with it.

Dressed up as Ash Ketchum for “Dress what you’d like to dress up for” in high school

I was member/singer in a band in my early twenties and people told me I was really good. We split up because the drummer became a dad and the bass player wanted to study. Really sad. I never had to chance to really catch up again although I feel more comfortable with singing in public these days and also think I’m better than I was at that time. I wouldn’t want to miss it.

I wrote a book about stuff to solve global warming at home, and now I get interviewed a lot.

I probably slept through it