Domande di Internet

As a male , would you rather have too much facial hair or no facial hair at all, and why?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta ai ragazzi. As a male , would you rather have too much facial hair or no facial hair at all, and why?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Too much. I can always groom and trim it the way I want, compared to not even being able to grow.

I had to start shaving at 10, i had this weird fuzzy lip and sides.

I have finally given in and decided to just grow a big ass beard but some days in all honesty the thought of not having a perma 5 o clock shadow is appealing.

None. Less work, less money spent, less time needed.

Too much, Because you can still have a choice to trim it down completely or let it grow

If you have no facial hair at all you don’t have a choice

Facial and ONLY facial hair? Too much. I can shave if I need to. It’d be annoying, but I’d rather have it and not want it than want it and not have it.