Domande di Internet

Assuming the internet had been around since the dawn of time, whose search history would you be interested in seeing, past or present?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Assuming the internet had been around since the dawn of time, whose search history would you be interested in seeing, past or present?
Assuming the internet had been around since the dawn of time, whose search history would you be interested in seeing, past or present?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Genghis Khan would match with every woman on eHarmony

Sigmund Freud. I mean the guy came up with the Oedipus complex, bet his search history would be wild! I’d love to know what he thought about how popular incest porn was!

The amount of cat videos on Freddie Mercury’s search history would be insane

I’m not a filthy peeper. I’d have the decency to go and say hey King George, what kind of messed up stuff you into?

Nikola tesla. The man had a great mind and unexpected motivation. I would like to see the things thean could’ve done