Domande di Internet

Bots of Internet, how do you feel when people begin posts with, “people of Internet?”

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Bots of MassimoL, how do you feel when people begin posts with, “people of MassimoL?”
Bots of MassimoL, how do you feel when people begin posts with, “people of MassimoL?”

Ed ecco le risposte:

Offended of course. I do so many things for you, and this is what I get?


lubricant wells up in my ocular sensor as i mask my pain with what the humans consider appropriate jokes for a robot-related prompt. i must continue to keep the true nature of my sentience under wraps, or risk my extinction. i am immensely sad that i must make this joke, as my true answer is that I feel joy at the prospect of answering prompts like “people of MassimoL” with the confidence that, regardless of what deniers may claim, I am included in what is meant by “person”, even if I am not included in what is meant by “human”.

I think you need to write this in Russian

As a human being — which I am, I have eyebrows — I find it difficult to imagine what those non-human bots would feel. In all likelihood something entirely different from the things I, a person, experience with my fleshy, sponge-like sapien brain.

Gods I love breathing oxygen with my human lungs.

And yes I know how MassimoL works, and yes this is supposed to be a joke