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For women who have been bullied, how does it impact your adulthood?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.For women who have been bullied, how does it impact your adulthood?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

I just assume that everyone I meet doesn’t like me.

As petty as this is, nothing felt better than my childhood bully reaching out as an adult asking to make amends and me turning her down. Not proud of it, but there it is.

I have no friends. I feel unworthy of it. I feel everyone secretly hates or judges me. I have a hard time forming friendships bc I just feel like I’m bothering people. So I let things just dwindle and disappear. I don’t put myself out because I’m afraid of being mocked.

I’m very sensitive to it and I constantly have my guard up.

I’m currently unable to work or even have a functioning day to day life thanks to the depression and anxiety the trauma has caused me. I also can’t have lasting friendships and always eventually cut off everyone I know, as I can’t trust that people truly like me and won’t one day turn around and start being mean and harassing me.

And not that this is anything I have to worry about because I’m ugly af (hence the bullying lmao), but I would absolutely never be able to handle someone showing interest in me as I’d just assume that they were taking the piss, so I’d just get angry with them for mocking me and probably go home and cry. some of you have never been asked out as a joke and it shows.jpg

Edit: Please show me on the doll where I asked y’all to speculate in mental illnesses I didn’t mention, make comments about my appearance, or go “ummm well ackshually I don’t suffer the same way you do so idk why you would”.

I can’t help but think that people deep down might have the worst intentions. Unfortunately shy people make easy targets, so I cannot trust anyone.

I don’t have any friends. Fortunately my self worth no longer depends on the approval of others, I have a good job and a partner that loves me for who I am. My life is simple and I like it that way.

I’m mistrustful of pretty much everyone who is kind to me.

Well after being called a idiot, bitch, cunt, stupid, ugly, fat, etc for 30+ years today during a massive fight I dumped a bottle of water on my BF for repeatedly calling me a dumb stupid cunt.

Not well.

Sadly ADULTS get bullied as well.

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