Domande di Internet

Ghosting. Why do people feel like it’s OK to leave the other person in a never-ending state of not knowing instead of just being direct with them?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Ghosting. Why do people feel like it’s OK to leave the other person in a never-ending state of not knowing instead of just being direct with them?
Ghosting. Why do people feel like it’s OK to leave the other person in a never-ending state of not knowing instead of just being direct with them?

Ed ecco le risposte:

true ghosters will never answer on this

There’s also the slow fade: conversation grows more and more distant, eventually goes to one word answers a few times a day, and then just stops. As much as I hate being ghosted, I hate slow fading more because they keep you dangling on a little bit of hope for a long time. At least with being ghosted you know right away and you don’t have to waste your time.

The only reason I’ve ghosted people is that trying to be direct to them just got brushed aside/ignored, causing me to give up on them.

Most recent was a person that lashed out at people when they were in a bad mood. When I brought it up the explanation was always that it was other peoples fault for making them mad, and they never tried to get better. So I just left and never looked back.

People aren’t owed answers. There are people I’ve cut out of my life with no explanation, because they are toxic. A reason why won’t change anything, there is no reason to expose myself to more of their behavior

The only reason I’ve ever ghosted someone is because they kept giving me one word answers or very simplistic answers.

I’m not asking for a novel, just get to know me as much as I am getting to know you.