Domande di Internet

Guys and Girls of Internet, what are your most embarrassing injuries?

I was swinging on a hammock, tried to get off and flipped my foot, dragging it on the cement floor

I broke my collar bone twice.

The first time it was an accident at a football tournament at work and the second time was right after i had the plates removed.

I was on the way of healing and got bored so i decided to drive my scooter to the next forest and smoke a joint.

So i go out and start the scooter and drive to the forest and smoked a nice one.

The problem was with the scooter that only the kick starter would start the scooter and therefore i had to buckle it up and this thing was quite heavy.

So after several tries i panicked and used both arms to get it up.

One crack and now i have the plates for live

When I was pregnant, I almost gave myself a concussion trying to reach the toilet.

My husband thought it would be funny to Dutch-oven me. My nausea didn’t agree. In my rush to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom, I slipped on the tile floor and hit my head on the nightstand. It was bleeding a lot and I was super dizzy. We went to the ER and when I told the staff the full story they laughed at us.

Many years ago I was running around in the house, just horseplaying, and I jumped up at the front door and hit my forehead on the frame. It didn’t gash it or anything but it left a small cut and a mark. So I had to walk around for a few days with a very visible cut, and it was very embarrassing to tell everyone that I hit my forehead on the doorframe.

Almost lost my left eye because I was watching porn on my phone and I was holding a knife with my left hand and I almost leaned in and stabbed myself in the eye. Thankfully the porn froze at the right time so I’d notice how close the point of the knife was to my eye