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How do you deal with an overly friendly neighbor who asks too many questions about your life when you happen to be outdoors at the same time?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: How do you deal with an overly friendly neighbor who asks too many questions about your life when you happen to be outdoors at the same time?
How do you deal with an overly friendly neighbor who asks too many questions about your life when you happen to be outdoors at the same time?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’ve always just casually said, “Eh, that’s kind of personal.” When said with a smile, it usually works.

Some of the responses you’ve gotten don’t seem to understand that there are just people like this, that don’t respect personal boundaries and can’t pick up on subtle hints like one word answers.

The way I deal with these people is by humoring them for a bit, using some of the tactics already mentioned (giving short, uninterested answers). If they don’t catch the hints I’m dropping, I’ll pretend to have something else to do. Go inside.

The premise of this question is why the phrase “Good fences make good neighbors” exists. Try to make your boundaries clear, and, barring that, build a tall fence so they can’t see/bother you.

If you are a bit sick and he asks about it say that you have mold on the balls he will never talk to you again

Sell your house and try again.