Domande di Internet

How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “fuck you for being reckless and dumb”?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “fuck you for being reckless and dumb”?
How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “fuck you for being reckless and dumb”?

Ed ecco le risposte:

there use to be a motorcycle aftermarket horn that was great, if you gave a quick button push you got a quiet, polite roadrunner style nice ‘beep’. BUT, if you held that sucker down the horn went into a combination of ocean liner foghorn and a thousand live sows being shot with bb guns. it was very effective.

I can push my horn gentle for the “Love tap” or I can pound on it to fart out my rage.

Here’s a YouTube video where a guy added that option to his car… plus an extremely loud horn for times when you really need to make a racket!

“Howdy stranger”

“What part of you can suck my asshole did you not underfuckingstand?!”

I feel like that was an idea at some point, but we kind of just developed a Morse code type thing with it. A quick bop on the horn is a little reminder to pay attention, and the longer you hold the horn the more anger you’re expressing lol.