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Is it normal for teachers to ask students to stand up and describe their homes ?

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When I was in middle school I remember having a teacher who liked to give us exercises such as: describe each room of your house and how many of each room you have. Describe what your parents do. Then she would go on to rant about how and she literally used this worlds :”pieces of shit bastards certain people who had certain occupations” were because of how much money they made. One time she gave us a full description of what period blood looks like. I think her idea was to give us some sort of sex education, except she went overboard and started to describe to us her first time with details included. When I think back I wonder if that was normal…

Ed ecco le risposte:

The second part is abnormal, but you know that already by the way you wrote it. Asking the other questions is completely normal. Learning to observe and describe basic things in your house is good for thought and language development.

Definitely not normal.

If it helps, my sex-ed teacher was a priest. He taught us the phrase “beating the bishop” which apparently was what he called masturbation.

I say was because he later committed suicide after being accused of molesting a girl. He was also extremely camp, so that’s confusing.

The first happened a lot in my school. I found it extremely anxiety inducing considering I went to a private high school (on a scholarship) with lots of kids with big houses and rich families, whereas I lived in a small, shabby barely functioning home on the other side of town far away from school- or as classmates would say “in woop woop”

> When I was in middle school I remember having a teacher who liked to give us exercises such as: describe each room of your house and how many of each room you have. Describe what your parents do.

Perfectly normal. Don’t recall doing it, but wouldn’t think anything of it.

> Then she would go on to rant about how and she literally used this worlds :”pieces of shit bastards certain people who had certain occupations” were because of how much money they made. One time she gave us a full description of what period blood looks like. I think her idea was to give us some sort of sex education, except she went overboard and started to describe to us her first time with details included. When I think back I wonder if that was normal…

This bit’s batshit

In kindergarten our classwork was to draw a picture of our house. Our house had what was basically shingles on the side. It was basically grey but up close you could see it had colorful bits blended in. I was drawing those in when she came over and told me I was wrong. She knew the house I lived in and it was not a polka dotted house. That wasn’t the only time that she crushed my self esteem.