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Lawyers of Internet, 16-17 year old teenagers can get taxed, but can’t vote. Why is this not considered taxation without representation?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Lawyers of MassimoL, 16-17 year old teenagers can get taxed, but can’t vote. Why is this not considered taxation without representation?
Lawyers of MassimoL, 16-17 year old teenagers can get taxed, but can’t vote. Why is this not considered taxation without representation?

Ed ecco le risposte:

No taxation without representation is a slogan, not a law.

I think if under-18s were not taxed, it would open up all kind of loopholes.

Ex: Instead of paying your Mom 4000$ as salary, I would pay her 2000$ and pay you 2000$, thus slashing the taxes that the government would get

Not really a legal question.

Also point of fact anyone of any age pays tax when they buy various things. Votes for 5 year olds!

I’m not a lawyer, but 16-17 year olds can still talk to their senator/rep if they really feel it’s important

Not a Lawyer, but i’m a paralegal working through law school.

For the most past, minors don’t earn enough to pay taxes due to federal child labor laws that place caps on minors earning capacity e.g. the amount of hour(s) a minor can work during a week. It also depend on the minor’s situation, let’s say a minor was earning the federal limit to file a return, $12k, then that minor’s return would just role over into their guardians returns. So, you’re stuck as dependent until you’re 18. it’s shitty legal gray area.

However, it is possible to make an amendment to the U.S. Const. to lower the age limit to 16. It was done in 1971, when the 26th amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.

Finally, some state allow you to some 16 or 17 year olds to “pre-register” to vote. So, if you’re turning 18 on and/or around election day this year it may save you some of the hassle. Power to the people.