Domande di Internet

People of Internet, do you ever ignore text messages of your friends or family for no apparent reason? Why or why not?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL, do you ever ignore text messages of your friends or family for no apparent reason? Why or why not?
People of MassimoL, do you ever ignore text messages of your friends or family for no apparent reason? Why or why not?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Yeah, because sometimes I just don’t have the energy to converse with someone. I just don’t feel like maintaining a conversation at that moment.

I’m doing stuff and need to get it done

If it’s a ‘life story’ size message I have to be in the mood to read it and put effort into replying, I know that sounds bad but I want to reply with equal enthusiasm and if I’m not in the mood or my minds on something else my replies can often be flat and it ruins conversations. However if it’s something that requires an urgent response I will respond within the hour.

I get texts and calls on a daily basis. Sometimes I just don’t want to talk to anyone and do my own thing

All the time, mostly cause I can’t think of a response