Domande di Internet

People of Internet who decided to run away from their families at one point in time – have you ever regreted fulfilling your decision?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL who decided to run away from their families at one point in time – have you ever regreted fulfilling your decision?
People of MassimoL who decided to run away from their families at one point in time – have you ever regreted fulfilling your decision?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I had incredibly abusive parents. I left home when I was 15. I hitch hiked around, stole some things to sustain myself, ended up in a youth detention center. That was in the 80’s. I got my shit together in my 20’s and went to college. I don’t regret leaving it at all.

Yes, I packed my bags, was ready to leave the apartment, got in the elevator and then my mom said dinner was ready, I was 10.

I don’t know if this count. I was 16. I lived with my dad growing up, we had a fight and he got fed up. He drove me 40 minutes to my mother’s house (an active drug user), dropped me off and said I could live with her. I immediately called my best friend and asked if I could stay with him, his family took me in and I never looked back.

I bounced around, lived in a garage for a bit and had a kid at 17. Wasn’t always great, but they were some of the best years of my life and I don’t regret it at all. Leaving a toxic situation is always a good idea.

Still see my dad, not so much with mom. I still spend holidays with my friends family. I became a better person because I found better people.

I had a step father who strangled my mother and threw me down stairs. Violence was so normalized in my house that I didn’t even really grasp how profoundly abnormal my scenario was until I was an adult! It messed with every relationship I’d ever had in life and continues to be a problem. I’m not really all that capable of maintaining lasting relationships and I have no access to therapy. I “ran away” but cutting him out of my life entirely. As I enter my 40s, do you know there are occasions I still feel guilty about that? That’s how sick I am. That’s what they DO to you. They treat you like complete shit but then hug you and guilt trip you into feeling like YOU were the one who fucked up. Then they tell you “I love you”.

Do you think I regret running away from that?

Oh God no. Once I got all the drama and trauma out of my head I actually felt like a person again. I mean I’m still not perfect, but who tf is?