Domande di Internet

People that listen to videos on your phones in public without headphones, what life event made you enjoy being such a detriment to society?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People that listen to videos on your phones in public without headphones, what life event made you enjoy being such a detriment to society?
People that listen to videos on your phones in public without headphones, what life event made you enjoy being such a detriment to society?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Profile name says it all really

I love these super specific questions where you can tell the OP is pissed because shit just happened to them

It all started the day I was born…

You have awoken the public scum hive, good job

Sealioning? Is that the term?