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People who can handle cold showers…

Mind over body. When hit with the cold, your body reflexively tenses up. Muscles cramp up and your chest tightens and the cold response triggers feedback on your panic response.

Focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply from your diaphragm. Focus and consciously let your shoulders relax. Loosen yourself up (no, not like that). Ultimately, you want your mind to stay focused on the fact that this is not life threatening and there is no reason to worry. You will warm back up soon, so you won’t die.

Do that enough time, and the cold will stop bothering you. You’ll even start to enjoy it. There is exhilaration and an adrenaline thrill from a cold shower. It’s how masochists derive pleasure from pain.

I’m an 11B in the Army (Infantry) and I have a fairly strenuous workout routine to keep in shape. A cold shower after a really strenuous workout feels like heaven because your body is so overheated. I can’t stand them if I’m just taking a normal shower for everyday stuff but right after a workout they actually feel pretty great and I actively look forward to them.

Leg leg arm arm torso rest

Steam till I sweat. It opens my pores. My body starts craving cold.

Cold shower. After.

Easy simple life hack.

They help me calm down. They would take my mind off the bruises whenever id get beaten