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What incident made you finally accept that life wasn’t fair?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.What incident made you finally accept that life wasn’t fair?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

I grew up relatively poor, so… I never really thought it was.

My divorce

I have done the “right things”. Gone to a good school, was financial frugal, dated thoughtfully, didnt cheat or lie, didn’t rush into marriage, was financial and emotionally prepared for children, was considerate and supportive of my partner, responsible, etc

My now ex husband lied and cheated and continues to. Is completely irresponsible, ignores the kids, doesnt work really but manages to get by by hanging out with wealthy friends and family.

He goes on extended trips to Europe several times a year, spends most of his time traveling and playing golf, has tons of friends.

I’m broke and stuck at home with a disabled child. Relationships are limited because my disabled child is disruptive. Can’t work consistently. His family and friends believes his lies and thinks I’m Satan who won’t let him see the kids (I’ve begged him to come many times). My teeth are falling out from stress.

He is having an absolute ball and my life sucks because I do the right things.

Edit to add: None of this is “fair”.

HOWEVER. I’ve been blessed with a wonderfully supportive family and many good friends. I’m so much better off than most in this situation.

We really need more of a safety net.

I can not imagine what would have happened without my family.

I grew up being severely bullied from kindergarten for being ugly, while simultaneously seeing how the pretty girls were treated and admired. I always knew life wasn’t fair.

growing up without much money really makes you understand very quickly that not everyone has the same opportunities.

When my stepfather passed away from lung cancer after being diagnosed only a few months prior. He was only 55. He and my mother never got to grow old together or retire together like they planned. They had only a year of marriage.

He didn’t smoke and never had.

When I worked really hard for something over decades and got nothing at the end. Hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off because life isn’t fair like that

My bullies and mean girls from high school and college are succeeding in their professional life and doing good.

Hard work doesn’t pay off. Don’t give anyone more then you give to yourself. They will take and take, leaving you hung out to dry. You are replaceable.

I grew up below the poverty line and my parents were abusive, so gestures vaguely at my entire life

I always knew it wasn’t, but when my best friend died. She was diagnosed with cancer when we were 16. She’d had surgeries, chemo, radiation, and it was under control for a few years. She even had a kid when she was told she’d never be able to conceive. She was beating the odds! She had a good job, a nice apartment, was doing well as a single mom. Then the last 6 months of her life the cancer took a turn, and spread to her heart, it was inoperable. She was only a month away from turning 23, her son was 3. She would’ve been 36 last month. I miss her and think about her often.

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