Domande di Internet

What is something that you’re a fan of but don’t want to tell people because you’ll be grouped in with a really annoying fan base?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something that you’re a fan of but don’t want to tell people because you’ll be grouped in with a really annoying fan base?
What is something that you’re a fan of but don’t want to tell people because you’ll be grouped in with a really annoying fan base?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Rick and morty. Love the show but the fan base is obnoxious.

Star Trek.

I am actually a huge Trekkie, but I never bring up anything related to Star Trek unless someone else does first.

I still love Undertale and I think it’s a fantastic game. I don’t want to be lumped in with the people who never fucking shut up about Sans. Or the ones trying to kill each other over ships. I just want to enjoy the game in peace.

Doctor Who. I fuckin love it but good gracious is that a cringey fandom.