Domande di Internet

What is something you genuinely don’t understand?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something you genuinely don’t understand?
What is something you genuinely don’t understand?

Ed ecco le risposte:

migratory animals

I will never be able to understand how someone can read a singular article that their high school dropout friend shared on facebook and believe they are smarter than an expert on a subject

A minor one :

People cheating in those online steps challenges. In my org, we had people averaging 70K(almost 32miles) steps daily over 3 months. People with desk jobs, mind you. There were no prizes to be had. I can’t understand what motivates such people

WiFi, radio, cell phone data, and the cloud. I mean, I get how they say it works…..but I’m pretty sure it’s actually magic. You’re telling me that terabytes of data are sent from earth to a satellite, back to a cell tower, and then into my phone in milliseconds…..nope, aliens did this for sure.