Domande di Internet

What is the best way to take revenge on someone who hid 200+ rubber ducks in your room?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the best way to take revenge on someone who hid 200+ rubber ducks in your room?
What is the best way to take revenge on someone who hid 200+ rubber ducks in your room?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Hide 199 ducks in his, telling him that you hid 200.

The final duck will elude him for the rest of his life.

Is your roommate James Vietch?

apppreciate the rubber ducks, he’ll be confused

How big must your room be to be able to “hide” 200 rubber ducks??

Give them back
But only one at a time and spreaded across various locations and over the duration of a loooong time
Like week 1: a duck in his car
Some days later: duck in his toilet
And so on