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What moment in video games made you go “fuck this”?

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What moment in video games made you go “fuck this”?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The wounded frostbite spider in Bleak Falls Barrow in Skyrim. I used to have major arachnophobia, so seeing a giant-ass spider just come out of a hole in the ceiling I paused the game and literally stayed staring at it for about 5 minutes just building up the courage to unpause.

First time I played resident evil 7(?) in VR. I’m screaming like a bitch after the second jump scare. Whole lotta nope.

Day 1 of No man’s sky after 3 hours of gameplay there was a sense of déjà vu about the endless farming.

First time Arthur Morgan started coughing. Friends had already ruined the ending for me.

Failing the vice city helicopter mission for like the 7th time and quitting the game. I never got past that mission.