Domande di Internet

What’s something you’re glad your friend introduced you to?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s something you’re glad your friend introduced you to?
What’s something you’re glad your friend introduced you to?

Ed ecco le risposte:


I tell people all the time the best thing I got out of my 4.5yr, $30k business & economics degree was when my friend gave me a john Mayer CD ( back in 2002). Literally THE reason I started playing guitar. Now it’s my career!

D&D. I would have never played otherwise and it’s so much fun!

A friend of mine accidentally introduced me to the Hitachi Magic Wand when I was helping her move and it dropped out of one of the boxes. She was entirely nonplussed. (I think she laughed and said, ‘My baby!’); I was somewhat of a prude at the time and was suitably scandalised at her being so open about having sex toys — especially the kind that you had to actually plug in like a fuckin’ kitchen appliance.

Yeah, that lasted all of thirty seconds after I bought one for myself on her later recommendation. Hoo boy.

My wife.

37 years ago.