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Would a grocery store allow me to buy ALL of their milk?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Would a grocery store allow me to buy ALL of their milk?

I'm not going to, but if I came to a grocery store at 8AM and asked to buy ALL of their milk, would they allow me to? People need that milk, no? Wouldn't people get mad if they came into the grocery store and found no milk, and the explanation is “aw someone came in earlier today and dropped 10 grand on milk”?

Hypothetical, I promise

Ed ecco le risposte:

As you may have seen with the current toilet paper situation… yes, if a buying limit isn’t imposed, you can buy as much as you want. To get the stuff in storage that isn’t on shelves you’d have to ask, and you might run into a roadblock there… but you could also let someone know, wait for them to restock, and sneakily take all the milk again.

It’s up to the store. Some have item limits per customer, others just assume people will mostly do normal things and if they’re sold out of milk one time everyone else will just have to deal

Under normal conditions, you almost definitely could, and it would be a weird one off, probably the only time something like that happened at that particular store all year. I’ve seen it happen with limes and bananas, years apart, in different cities. I asked the lime guy what was up and he said he worked at Sonic. They didn’t get any limes in their delivery, so he had to go buy the hundreds they would use that day at retail prices.

With the virus and people panicking, overbuying, and hoarding resources in droves, most places have put limits on how much of any one item you can buy, especially if staples like meat, rice, milk, and paper products. My mom’s local grocery won’t let you buy more than two gallons of milk per day, and they’re actually enforcing it, not just putting up signs and hoping people decide to be reasonable.


Most hardware and supermarkets have limits on non commercial quantities in Australia.

So you’d get away with 10-20 cartons of milk.

Secondly if you need that much milk go to the supplier and their warehouse or farm. The hell are you paying the supermarkets commission for?