Domande di Internet

Would you watch a TV show where a billionaire has to live off the wage of their minimum wage employees with no access to any other resources?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Would you watch a TV show where a billionaire has to live off the wage of their minimum wage employees with no access to any other resources?
Would you watch a TV show where a billionaire has to live off the wage of their minimum wage employees with no access to any other resources?

Ed ecco le risposte:

This question gets asked all the time

Just like EVERY OTHER TIME THIS POINTLESS QUESTION HAS BEEN ASKED. No. Because it’s all about stakes. The billionaire is still a billionaire. At the end of the time they go back. If they fail they lose nothing but pride. If the min wage worker “fails” they get evicted/can’t eat/ can’t afford necessities. It’s all about stakes.

As long as “winning” is defined as something difficult, yes. Waiting out a month of poverty before going back to the yacht isn’t a challenge.

Yes, but with one addition: they have to earn their wage by working at the company they own

Only if there are personal consequences. Like if he can’t survive six months he gives half his assets to his employees.