Domande di Internet

Teachers of Internet: They say there are no stupid questions, but what’s the most stupid question a student has ever asked you?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Teachers of MassimoL: They say there are no stupid questions, but what’s the most stupid question a student has ever asked you?
Teachers of MassimoL: They say there are no stupid questions, but what’s the most stupid question a student has ever asked you?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Taught ESL in China and the 1st grade kids vehemently hated Black people. I just so happened to have a half Black kid in my class.

“teacher, is Lidia a monster?”

“teacher, will Lidia try and eat me? I don’t like Black people…”

“teacher, will Lidia make me black?”

The list goes on. One of the girls screamed whenever she saw Black people on campus or in the videos or books that I would occasion let them watch or read to them.

Not a teacher (sorry) but in middle school sex Ed a kid asked “ if you put 100 condoms on will that be a 0% chance of getting someone pregnant?”

Edit: just came back and I can’t believe someone did the math lmao

Can I go sharpen my pencil?

The kid was using a mechanical pencil, and we were about to take a quiz. When I said no, he promptly asked to use the restroom. I let him go, but he came back 30 minutes later trying to sharpen his mechanical pencil with SCISSORS. Mind you, these weren’t the little safety scissors we were using for the activity, they were specialized for cutting CARDBOARD and were kept in the teacher’s lounge.

I can’t even…

Reptile education teacher here(keep your jokes, I educate kids, not the reptiles)

  1. Had a snake in my hands. 10 years old asks if it’s a real one or a moving plush…

  2. After the presentation, a mom comes up to me and asks if they have to eat. At first I was like, well yeah, sometimes they can eat like once a month or even once a year in the wild. She answered: Oh so I should feed my snake then? Managed to make her surrender the snake to my reptile rescue…

  3. « Can they hear? They don’t have ears!! » « Yes, they have ears, it’s the two holes right there on the side of their heads. » « But what about the snakes!?! » « Their ears are under their skin, they hear muffled sounds. » « So they can’t hear? » « Yes they can, just not very well. » «Poor things, they can’t hear!! » SMFH…

Not a teacher, but an elderly woman once asked me when her dog’s leg would grow back after it had been amputated.