Relazioni e amore

My boyfriend is trying to force me into something I don’t like

It’s not okay for someone to hurt you and pressure you into letting them do it more. He has already knowingly caused you pain for his own pleasure. He may even like that it hurts you.

This is someone who should not have access to your body, ever. Please get away before he does something worse to you.

Wtf, dump that wacko

Text him that your relationship is over, document what you can of his previous creepiness and disrespectfulness, and block him everywhere. Inform your close friends/family what’s going on and that you need their support.

Good luck, OP.

I think you mean ex boyfriend. Try to get him on text saying he wants to touch you even if It hurts and get a restraining order.

> He knows that my nipples are very sensitive and I don’t like it when he is playing with them. We already talked about this, but still – he insists.

Seriously dump him and learn not to date assholes