Domande di Internet

If you worked in a school and the children started spreading a rumour about you saying they saw you having sex with a shoe in the back of your car, when in fact you were only trying to clean the shoe with your trousers, would you quit your job or just laugh it off and hope the rumours stop?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: If you worked in a school and the children started spreading a rumour about you saying they saw you having sex with a shoe in the back of your car, when in fact you were only trying to clean the shoe with your trousers, would you quit your job or just laugh it off and hope the rumours stop?
If you worked in a school and the children started spreading a rumour about you saying they saw you having sex with a shoe in the back of your car, when in fact you were only trying to clean the shoe with your trousers, would you quit your job or just laugh it off and hope the rumours stop?

Ed ecco le risposte:


Speaking from experience, take several pictures of you with the shoe (the shoe in a small wedding dress, you and the shoe together, a family photo with baby shoes [extra points if you can print your face on any/all of the baby shoes] etc.)

Put these pictures everywhere and everyone will know that you’ve made an honest object of the shoe and no one will care.

Own it. That shoe was a total slut.

Fuck one of the students so they shut up about the shoe

Hmm this is oddly specific. Are you asking for personal advice here?