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People born in 2000 and later: How does ‘the 90s’ sound to you?

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People born in 2000 and later: How does ‘the 90s’ sound to you?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Like teen spirit.

My kid, born in 2007, just asked me if the 1990s “had color.” We got lumped in with the people from the black and white photo era.

I say it feels like watching CatDog on the couch, in your PJs, on a day off from school

Like it happened 30 years ago

I was 18 in 1990. I moved out at 17 with enough money on my apprentice wage to rent a bedsit.

Although I then got hugely into debt I had a bloody marvelous time. I went to raves every weekend and took a metric fucktonne of illegal substances, and listened to truly groundbreaking music.

When we weren’t raving we would drink and smoke at other friends flats or go to the pub. It wasn’t as cheap to eat out in some respects, but going to a nice restaurant was cheaper.

And no bloody internet. For all it’s covienience, it’s absolutely polarized society to the point where there is no middle ground. You are either a nazi or and antifa. I used to argue about politics with friends that voted Tory and then drink together anyway.

The best thing about the 90’s was that after the bland, insipid 80’s, with Bros and manufactured bands, subculture was cool again. And I had a decent job and enough money to live on.

I had a bloody great time. Being genX is fantastic.

Unfortunately why we were having a good time we didn’t notice corporations taking over our political institutions and for that I am truly sorry.