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Soy sauce and Tofu are both made from soybeans. Why does soy sauce have such an intense flavor while tofu has almost no flavor?

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65 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: Soy sauce and Tofu are both made from soybeans. Why does soy sauce have such an intense flavor while tofu has almost no flavor?
Spiegami: Soy sauce and Tofu are both made from soybeans. Why does soy sauce have such an intense flavor while tofu has almost no flavor?

Ed ecco le risposte:

While they are both made with soy beans, the process is so different that it’s like comparing why beer and velvet cake taste so different if they are both made with wheat.

Soy sauce is caramelized fermented hydrolyzed soybean paste with added salt.

Tofu is curdled soy milk, usually with Gypsum, that is pressed into blocks.

Traditionally soy sauce is fermented with water, wheat, soy and salt along with the fermenting agents. This process takes a while.

Many soy sauce varieties found in the grocery store use a much faster method that requires artificial colors and flavorings.

It’s like grape juice vs wine.
Same main ingredient, but different process, different admixture.

i) Boiled soy bean , blend, filter and let it cool
ii) Add vinegar / Glucono delta-lactone (GDL)
iii) Pour it into a container and cover with cotton canvas, and press, after several hour, voila..
*the ingredient are only soy and acid, that’s why it’s almost no flavor.

Soy sauce
i) Boiled soy bean
ii) Mix soy bean with flour and Koji . Koji ia a microorganism, scientific name Aspergillus orizae. (Just imagine how we use yeast to make bread).
iii) After that, this mixture will be incubated / dried under the sun about a week. During this time, that’s microorganism will digest the protein and carbohydrates of the soy bean. There are fungus that fill the soybean. This picture will give you some idea, how it’s look like, fungus with soybean.
iv) After that, this soybean will soak on salt water, then fermentation process begin, and this process can take as long as 7 month (if they still use traditional method). Besides, this fermentation make soy bean which is white in color, turn to black.
v) After this solution “matured”, it will be filtered. Then we have a raw soy sauce.
vi) Other than preservative, other ingredient will be ad to add more flavor, such as caramel and spices.
vii) Lasty, the soy sauce will be boiled in order to pasteurized it, then voila..

Thats the power of fermentation my dude tofou is made more like cheese where soy sauce is fermented more like Worcestershire sause.

Soy sauce has a ton of salt. I always thought it just tastes like salt with a soy sorta smell