Domande di Internet

What is a toxic behavior that is disguised as virtue?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is a toxic behavior that is disguised as virtue?
What is a toxic behavior that is disguised as virtue?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The rise and grind mentality, saying if you’re not working towards something you’re wasting your time. It’s important to take time to just relax or pursue a passion without monetary gain. But society as a whole has deemed this as wasting your time.

People who say ” This is just the way I am; If you can’t handle that, oh well”. Like… No. You’re wrong. I understand to an extent that if people don’t like you for being yourself, they can go fuck themselves; BUT, if you are a person who seriously does not know how to speak to people or are just rude in general and claim “that’s just how I am”, you’re wrong. People need to know it is not okay to be rude or obnoxious and that you should be able to know the difference of being yourself and just being a DICK.

Supporting a person to a fault. In other words, being an enabler.

People that say they’re always 100% honest and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. It’s definitely useful when needed, but all the time just makes the person seem insufferable and rude.

When people get involved in and regulate other people’s relationships. They try to act like they’re helping but they always make it worse.