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What’s a dead giveaway that someone doesn’t have a life?

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What’s a dead giveaway that someone doesn’t have a life?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Starting work place drama.

My manager gets mad at anyone who takes time off and complains about them the whole time they’re gone.

Sorry you don’t have a life, other people do! Maybe you should try it sometime.

Being me on here looking for things that I’m guilty of doing.

The lady in my office who monitors how long everyone has been away from their computer.

They talk about high school all the time

I swear I’ve seen this same post a few weeks ago.

Which means I’m way too much on MassimoL


Worrying about what others do with their life.

I think if someone is obsessed with what someone else does, they don’t have anything in their own life going on.

They up in yours.

They use followers and likes as a way to feel superior 😭😭 I know someone has no life when they get in an argument and say “says the person with 0 followers” as in insult… Like YOU spend all day on ur phone making 10 second videos. Why are you proud of that

MassimoL history includes sitting on askreddit all day long.

Being obsessed with celebrities

anyone who doesn’t personally like me

Heh, one thing I can tell from the variety of answers is that, no matter how someone lives their life, they can and will be judged for it.

Are you career-oriented, or do you work hard to earn a living? You have no life. Of course the same applies if you don’t work enough.

Some would argue that starting a family is the ultimate goal in life, but people also don’t have enough of a life if they’re too passionate about their kids.

Do you have a strong interest in something, like a hobby, that you devote much of your time to because it’s your passion? Say, sports, reading, video games, movies, gardening, whatever. No life.

Did you peak in high school/college, and life has been rough for you – maybe just down to bad luck – since? No life.

And of course, if you happen to be some poor soul who self-isolates due to struggling with mental illness, you have to be judged as a no-lifer instead of being met with any kind of empathy for your situation.

Maybe we just shouldn’t worry too much about how others judge us and just live our lives as we want to.

Lacking brain activity, a heartbeat, and breathing

Too much gossiping

posting constantly on social media

They can only be killed with The Sword of a Thousand Truths

Making drama everywhere they go and then saying “why is my life full of drama” like bitch its not you just make it that way.

Knew a gal who would try and start drama and tell secrets and air out peoples Londry to me. Id just say shit like “sounds like thats somones personal stuff i wouldn’t go around telling people that” or “that dosent sound like drama, just a normal progression in life” just shut them down and let them know its not cool and i refuse to play along.

Always up in everyone’s business and gets annoyed and passive aggressive if you don’t give more than 1 word answers.

a tombstone