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Should I tell my bf’s other woman’s live in partner/bf that she cheated on him?

Tell him.

And yes, people are right to say your motivation to tell him isn’t the best reason. But who can separate those feelings from what’s right?

All bets are off. She encroached on your relationship to cause havoc. Your bf is on board. Her partner will be going thru life having been deprived the choice.

If he stays, fine. But at least you gave him the choice which is more than she ever gave him.

I went thru a horrendous period with an ex who wasn’t only cheating with women but who was also secretly down low. He put my health at risk. He removed options for me to either break up or explore an open relationship (which isn’t for me frankly).

You don’t owe her anything. He needs to know the truth.

This is really simple. I can’t believe you’re not seeing this when it’s right in front of you.

Send the screenshots to him. And let him decide if he wants to stay with her. She made a mess, and she is going to have to clean it up herself.

THEN break up with your boyfriend because he’s not worth it.

The girl didn’t “get away with it”. Your bf is the one who got away with it.

You stayed with him even though he cheated. You are telling him you deserve that treatment, because you stayed.

Sure, tell the other bf if you want. But the problem is in your own self esteem, and the problem is with your bf.

Don’t expect telling will solve anything or help you feel at peace. You’re blaming the wrong people. You should be asking why you stayed with a BF who would treat you so badly, instead of focusing so much on the other girl.

It’s so common to blame the other girl in cheating situations, but it’s really your bf who is the problem you should be looking at.

Yes. You should.

And you should dump your boyfriend. Forgiving him after a 4 month affair.. are you smoking crack? Absolutely ridiculous that you would take him back after that. Seriously. Get therapy and work on your self-respect. This is just sad.

Are you still with your boyfriend? If you’re this worried about telling the other woman’s partner, i am inclined to think you’re not really in a place where forgiving and moving on is feasible.

Your partner cheated for four months…frankly it would make more sense for you not to forgive him. Four months of cheating is a LOT of lies and deception and many choices to disrespect you and the relationship.

I for one can’t understand why you think this guy is still a worthwhile recipient of your time and emotional energy. I think you are displacing your anger towards him onto her.

But here’s the thing: whatever sense of justice you think will come from outing the other women wont make your BF’s cheating less hurtful.