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Should I tell my bf’s other woman’s live in partner/bf that she cheated on him?

I can understand why you would want to tell him, but I promise it won’t bring you peace. Nothing will ever undo what your partner has done. As shitty as it is to sleep with someone else’s person, your partner was the one with a responsibility to you. If it hadn’t been her it would have been someone else.

I would consider carefully before taking this step, who is she to him when they aren’t sleeping together? Do they work together? Are they still in contact? Think of who else may become involved if you spill the beans, because you can’t possibly know what he will do with the information once you let it fly, or what she might do when faced with the consequences of her poor judgment.

I’ve read a lot of comments, and one thing to think about is telling another man that your bf slept with his gf could end very badly for your bf. Depending on how aggressive the other man is, he could go after your bf. Just something to think about.

No one can for sure say what the best thing for you to do is, but I’m of the belief that looking out for you and your well being is number one. Your bf broke trust and with that you will likely have long term trust issues with him, and potentially others if you move on. Also things maybe good now but what happens when he makes a new friend that’s a female? He did get away with cheating already. He didn’t respect you the first time, what will make him respect you the second time? A cheater is selfish, they’re only thinking about themselves.

I know that if I were him, I’d want to know.

Honestly I’d only tell the other woman’s man so he can do a paternity test. Idk what the timeline is like but I’d still put that out there before it’s too late.

Right idea for the wrong reason.