Domande di Internet

Qual è stato qualcosa che qualcuno ha fatto che ha ucciso all'istante tutta l'attrazione che avevi per loro?

Bentornati ad un'altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale ! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Qual è stato qualcosa che qualcuno ha fatto che ha ucciso all'istante tutta l'attrazione che avevi per loro? Qual è stato qualcosa che qualcuno ha fatto che ha ucciso all'istante tutta l'attrazione che avevi per loro? Ed ecco le risposte: […]

Mini Guide

Consiglio: if you can’t stop reflecting back on something cringey that you did in the past, try to remember something cringey that someone else did. Most likely, you won’t be able to remember anything, so you know that nobody remembers what you did.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Mini guida: if you can’t stop reflecting back on something cringey that you did in the past, try to remember something cringey that someone else did. Most likely, you won’t be able to remember anything, so you know that nobody remembers what you did.

Domande di Internet

Teachers of Internet, what was the most obvious, “your parents clearly did the assignment”?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Teachers of MassimoL, what was the most obvious, “your parents clearly did the assignment”? Teachers of MassimoL, what was the most obvious, “your parents clearly did the assignment”? Ed ecco le risposte: When the student came in crying while holding the […]

Mini Guide

Consiglio: If your USB cable is twisted and bendy, wrap it tightly around a coffee mug and fill the cup with with boiling water. This will remove the bends from the cable.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Mini guida: If your USB cable is twisted and bendy, wrap it tightly around a coffee mug and fill the cup with with boiling water. This will remove the bends from the cable.

Domande di Internet

Who just wants to be loved right now?

Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Who just wants to be loved right now? Who just wants to be loved right now? Ed ecco le risposte: My friend is constantly texting people and I’m sitting there next to him thinking that I haven’t gotten a text in […]

Mini Guide

Consiglio: If you need to be drunk to say it, don’t say it at all.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: What it says on the tin pretty much. I’ve had a few close friends to me (mostly men around the age of 20) who have purposely gotten drunk to vent their emotions to their close ones, because they felt like they couldn’t talk about it sober. Every […]

Domande di Internet

Bald people of Internet – when you wash your face, how high do you go until you stop?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Bald people of MassimoL – when you wash your face, how high do you go until you stop? Bald people of MassimoL – when you wash your face, how high do you go until you stop? Ed ecco le risposte: As […]

Link Utili

Man builds free “Amazon for buying local” tool to help small businesses across U.S.

Un’altra risorsa fantastica raccolta dalla rete per MassimoL Ecco il link:

Mini Guide

Consiglio: Forgot someone’s birthday from last week? Kindly apologize and then wish them anyway. It will make them happy nevertheless.

Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Everyone forgets from time to time. When you take the extra step to wish them even though it's late, it will show that you care.

Domande di Internet

Ladies, as a single guy who is afraid to come off as creepy, what is the best way to talk to you randomly or strike up a conversation?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Ladies, as a single guy who is afraid to come off as creepy, what is the best way to talk to you randomly or strike up a conversation? Ladies, as a single guy who is afraid to come off as creepy, […]